Monday 9 February 2009

IDAT 204 Project Proposal "Shopper alerter" 12/2/09 By Charlotte Thornton

My proposal consists of glasses that link with the Internet. You enter a shopping list of what you want, which is similar to a shopping website. The information is then filtered from the web to the glasses so when the person walks around the shopping area it tells the person whether any of the shopping items they wanted are in the shops as they walk pass. If they are in the shop it shows an image of what is in there and information about it for example the price. This enables an integration between Internet shopping and real-life shopping and reduces the amount of time you have to look around for individual items.
The shopper would go onto the website and enter in what they want to buy on a website similar to this: When they are shopping the glasses link to the list they made that day. Also if there were any outstanding objects they want to buy from previous days, they appear with the date of when they wanted them if they are in a shop.
An example of how the glasses display the image to the user
An example of what the user would see through the glasses.

Initial Ideas

I had quite a few ideas to start with for the project. These were:

-Glasses which make it look like there is a trail behind you as you walk. The trail would change depending on the persons mood who is walking.

-A program where you can try clothes on virtually by looking through a web camara.

-Glasses to teach history, when they put the glasses on it adds information about the buildings and adds old pictures of how the place used to look.

-Glasses which enable you to select a place from a map and it makes it look like your in a different part of the world depending on which one you pick when you walk around.